Holy Martyr is an Italian band that sings about Greek stuff, mostly based on Spartan/warrior legend. Their songs are all of war and legend, sacrifice and power, and they all kick some major ass. Think, a more power metal version of The Sword, with some cleaner vocals, and it wouldn't be a bad comparison. They plays a powerful version of heavy metal, their songs are all full of epic sound and remind me of a more melodic Manowar, just relying more on the guitars and drums and less on the vocals. Epic stories, mighty guitar and drum work, and some damn good vocals really propel the albums along.

That being said, they aren't of the same caliber of 'true' power metallers, like Helloween, Iced Earth, or Manowar, no, Holy Martyr keeps it a bit more grounded, coming off as semi-thrash or as folk metal without the folk. Actually that's the best way to describe their sound, a folk metal band - in scope and lyrical content - who decided to leave the symphony/traditional instruments at home. Their songs are still filled with life and vigor, there are a few songs in a non-English language (they are Italian so I'd expect that, but Metal Archives says it's Greek, but honestly, it could be Dutch for all I know or care), and it melts your fucking face! This is pretty much the same for the good folk metal bands out there; Turisas, Tyr, etc. So that is what I am decreeing Holy Martyr: non-folk folk metal! Spread the word, let the masses know that The Klepto has spoken!
Wow, another article, another rant. Anyway...

If you like power metal, or want some melodic thrash (very melodic) give holy Martyr a try. Their layered instruments, and an overwhelmingly powerful sound is what made them initially stand out to me, and I am happy I ever stumbled upon them. While I don't listen to them as much as I'd like, they are still there for me, waiting for me to have a shitty day, waiting for me to remember they exist. For when I do... the roof shakes and the ceiling quakes... and other cliche comments. Whatever, Holy Martyr rocks.
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