Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Nothing going on here, I am taking a day to myself. Writing an article a day everyday for the past month has worn me out. Go enjoy food, gifts and family. I am going to try and use this time to finish up my albums that I want to hear before the end of the year (five left). Tomorrow I have another 5 Quick Album Reviews, and I will have another one up before the end of the year. 
In other news, my Top 10 of 2010 has become a Top 20, because I can't trim the list. Also, instead of writing an article about each  one, it'll be in sets of five. Whatever I am burnt out, count your lucky stars you get this much.
In the new year I'll probably go back to the every other day thing, I haven't decided 100% but it's hard to remember to keep writing. Maybe I'll do every other day for decent articles (Retrospectives, New Bands, etc) and use the other time for videos and lists. Who knows, we'll see.
Enjoy the time you have, keep up the horns for the holidays!

Also, here is some GWAR I found, showing that even monsters from another planet can get into the spirit!

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