So it might actually happen; Axl may bite the bullet and actually release his over-a-decade-in-the-making album "Chinese Democracy." Although it is supposed to hit the shelves in two days, Axl Rose hasn't officially confirmed that the album will be released then, so I've got 10 bucks that says that he will decide tomorrow to scrap the whole idea and begin again. That's just me and my freakish talking money.
Anyway, as I said in the title, you can stream the complete "Chinese Democracy" off of Guns N' Roses' MySpace. I am listening to it now, and I have to say, that although streaming is no way to review an album, it is nothing special. I mean don't get me wrong, it's not bad, and it probably would have sold well 15 years ago, but after all this wait this album would have to be spectacular to live up to all the hype and disappointment over the years. It just does not do this. It is an alright album (from what I've heard) but not worth the whole wait.
But you go ahead and give it a listen, I will probably have a real review up here eventually, but as I said, you can't review off MySpace. At least I can't.
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