I went through the bands discography - three albums - in two days, and I have varying views of the band, depending on which album is playing. Their first album, All Your Chicks Are Belong to Us, is a sonic blend between Clutch and Beaver. As some of you may know, Clutch is my favorite band, and I really don't like Beaver, so this was a confusing album. A couple of songs were decent, but there was too much hectic guitar work and growled vocals for my taste. If I had not already acquired the other two releases from the band, I might have stopped here. But I struggled on.
The next album I listened to was their third album (don't ask me why), Must Destroy, and I was very impressed. This latest effort was very different from their debut album. It was funky, it was groovy, it was reminiscent of the Blast Tyrant days of Clutch, with a little more blues ala Five Horse Johnson. Almost all of the songs were very good, with only a couple that fell below the mark. But compared to All Your Chicks Are Belong to Us, every song was a keeper. Hearing this I was excited to listen to their sophomore effort, to see (or rather hear) how the change came about. To move from a sludgy-stoner band to a straight stoner-blues rock group.

Overall, if you like Beaver or early Alabama Thunderpussy, then the albums All Your Chicks Are Belong to Us and Fatal/Error are more up your alley. But if you're more like me and you like the more funk/bluesy side of rock then I suggest the newest release, Must Destroy. But either way I recommend Droids Attack, if only to bring to light the impending robotic takeover. These guys are doing their part, are you?
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