Again, as it was with my review of Wheel's debut previously, it sounds like I don't like the band or their music at all, but that's just not true. They do play a consistent style of southern stoner - if you like one song, you're probably going to like most of them - with a little less emphasis on the southern (aside from "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?," which is a twangy country rock song; quite good), which is decent. There are some differences however, "The Silverforked Tongue of Mr. Toad" is a wild ride of a song, and "Full Moon Risin'" sounds like something (title and all) from a heavier version of CCR. These songs are the memorable tracks from the group, the ones that I will listen to again.
This review is short and sweet, mostly because, like Mississippi Bones, saying much more will just sound repetitive and unnecessary. The group is decent, and is another new band that I would like to hear more from; but only if they put some evolution into their sound. If it's the same collections of ok songs with the one or two that go above and beyond....
Stand out songs: "The Silverforked Tongue of Mr. Toad," "Band-1," "Full Moon Risin'," and "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"
Track Listing
- Sasquatch Paparazzi
- Makin' Deals With The Robot Devil
- Vampire Blues
- The Silverforked Tongue of Mr. Toad
- The Leopard, The Lion and The She-Wolf
- Band-1
- The Venkman
- Full Moon Risin'
- Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
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