...Well I guess it's the only in psychobilly, that I know of anyway. Looking it up on
Wikipedia, I see a long list of bands through the ages, but as it stands,
The Reverend Horton Heat is the only one I've ever heard.

Now, Psychobilly is a blending of genres, seeming to spawn from country/southern rock and punk rock. It's hard to accurately describe, but to me it sounds like a modernized Elvis. If you took his sound, added a bit of the punk sound, and kicked up the volume, that is psychobilly. While it isn't anything I could really see myself getting attached to, swing-rock is a nice sound to turn on while you walk around the house, making food or cleaning. It's amped-up chill, if you can imagine it. 60's with a kick.
I only know of The Reverend Horton Heat from the Playstation 2 game, Guitar Hero, their song "Psychobilly Freakout," was a catchy but difficult song to master. Here we are almost five years later, and it is still just as catchy, but as the game series increased, so did the difficulty (to a level where I don't enjoy it anymore).
But that's neither here nor there. I enjoyed this song quite a bit, and I also liked any other song by them I heard over the years (few and far between, but that's why I have Last.fm) "Psychobilly Freakout" appears on the first TRHH album,
Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em, and cements their sound throughout their career.
At the time of this article, I am only half-way through their discography, listening to two of their earliest album, and then two of their most recent, and I am liking what I hear. Their beginning tracks seem more laid-back, living more in the southern feel, while their most recent album is much more heavy and rock oriented. Every album (so far) has had at least one instrumental, sometimes they are just filler songs, and sometimes they are full-blown works of art. And most of the discs have some sort of 'joke track' in some from or another, whether it be a humorous-lyriced work, or a 'sermon' about how a man is addicted to women. It all seems like good fun.
So if you have some free-time, a couple of bucks, and want to hear something old become fresh again. Check out The Reverend Horton Heat.
Needless to say, this has slowed down my speed in which to listen to
The Big Three of The British Invasion a bit, but I will get around to it.