The Good
I really enjoyed listening to Ape Machine's two albums; their blend of stoner and funky grooves was entertaining and uplifting, guaranteeing them some future replay time. Brant Bjork's various solo acts ('true' solo, with The Bros, and then The Operators) is always worth the listen, and I finally got around to finishing off his discography.
After hearing so much positive mention of Acrimony over the years, I really expected something better then what was offered from their two releases; their second album, Tumuli Shroomaroom, had some positives to it, but overall I was disappointed. Both Birch Hill Dam and Camion have the same faults to their music: they are in the groovy-sludge school of stoner which has the needlessly screamed lyrics. Birch Hill Dam had some more reasonably calm songs in its collection, but Camion was nothing but the full bellows of the singer's lungs. Not to my tastes. Bruner was another band/singer that really wasn't for my musical tastes; apparently it was a demo/uncompleted recordings of some singer from the 70s, Linda Bruner (apparently the lead singer from some group called Piscis), that was just recently released (2010). It's a soulful, single-guitar-and-voice EP, but the recording quality isn't great, and frankly, Bruner's vocals aren't all that skilled; if it had been longer then twenty minutes, I probably wouldn't have listened to it all. Find better folk elsewhere.
The Interesting
Angel of Damnation was decent doom metal, nothing truly special, but then again, very listenable. My main problem with them was their incessant NEED to be seen as a satanic band; every song makes blatant comments and references to God, the Devil, goats, horns, death, etc, without any wavering whatsoever. I can see putting those themes out there, but come on guys, vary it up a little! They did have me chuckling a few times at their lyrics and imagery (The song "I Will Drink From The Chalice of Blood" is all about how the singer wants to be raped by both God and the Devil - one of the better tracks). The other oddity of the month was Crud, besides the 'what?' name, their music is another chin-scratcher. It seems like a mix of dance/electronic/trendy rhythms and styles with stoner rock, with some tilting one way and some the other (hell there is a salsa-esq song, "Fire," that incorporated trumpet). Some of the songs actually work pretty well, and some just seem that the styles are forced together. It reminds me of something to come out of the 90s nu-metal movement; an act trying to separate itself from the failing genre, but still trying to regain some of it's original fans.
- The 1-10's - Fighting for a Golden Age
- Acrimony - Hymns To The Stone - New
- Acrimony - Tumuli Shroomaroom - New
- Andrew Jackson Jihad - Knife Man - New
- Angel of Damnation - Carnal Philosophy - New
- Ape Machine - This House Has Been Condemned - New
- Ape Machine - War To Head - New
- Argus - Boldly Stride The Doomed
- Aver - Aver - New
- Behold! The Monolith - Defender, Redeemist - New
- Birch Hill Dam - Colossus - New
- The Black Keys - El Camino - New
- Black Pyramid - Black Pyramid II - New
- Blind Guardian - Memories Of A Time To Come (2 Discs) - New
- Blister - Ataraxia (EP)
- Borracho - Splitting Sky - New
- Brant Bjork - Gods & Goddesses
- Brant Bjork - Jalamanta
- Brant Bjork - Keep Your Cool
- Brant Bjork - Local Angel - New
- Brant Bjork - Punk Rock Guilt - New
- Brant Bjork - Tres Dias
- Brant Bjork & The Bros - Saved By Magic - New
- Brant Bjork & The Bros - Somera Sol - New
- Brant Bjork & The Operators - Brant Bjork & The Operators
- Bruner - Songs For A Friend (EP) - New
- Camion - A Serenade For Yokels - New
- Clutch - Blast Tyrant
- Circa Survive - Blue Sky Noise - New
- Circa Survive - Juturna - New
- Circa Survive - On Letting Go - New
- Colossa - Colossa (EP)
- Crippled Black Phoenix - (Mankind) The Crafty Ape (2 Discs) - New
- Crud - Crud on Monster Island - New
- The Dear Hunter - The Color Spectrum (4 Discs/9 EPs) - New
- The Decemberists - The Hazards of Love
- Diablo Swing Orchestra - Sing Along Songs For The Damned & Delirious
- Dream Theater - Scenes From A Memory
- Five Horse Johnson - Double Down
- Five Horse Johnson - Fat Black Pussy Cat
- Five Horse Johnson - The Last Men on Earth
- Five Horse Johnson - The Mystery Spot
- Five Horse Johnson - The No. 6 Dance
- Kyuss - Welcome To Sky Valley
- Kyuss - Wretch
- Mumford & Sons - Sigh No More
- Sahg - Sahg
- Sahg - Sahg II
- Sahg - Sahg III
- Tyr - The Lay of Thrym
- U.S. Christmas - The Valley Path (EP) - New
- Zombi - Escape Velocity - New
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